Thursday, August 9, 2012

Solar Companies Montross Va

Solar Companies Montross Va
Whenever you talk about solar energy being used to heat things, such as water, you are using thermal solar energy; and thermal energy is the main type of solar energy we've covered so far. However, solar energy in Montross VA can also be used to create electricity, also something that we've briefly touched on. However, within electric solar energy, there are also three different types; and it's those that we'll look at in this section.


The "STAND-ALONE" system is the first type of solar energy system that creates electricity. This type is also called the Solar Home System (SHS.) These systems are not connected to the power grid so they are ideal for remote locations. Often, installing an SHS, especially in locations located far away from the power grid, is actually cheaper than installing electricity because it costs so much to get utility lines and trucks out to these places in order to install them.

In stand-alone systems, there's often a battery that will store excess energy so that the system can still be used when there's little sunshine available. For solar power system installation, just call on 844-334-8684


If stand-alone systems are not connected to the grid, it only makes sense that grid-connected systems are; and these are the second type of" ELECTRICAL SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS". In these systems, home and business owners in Montross VA still have access to electricity supplied from the grid, but it's a secondary source of electricity.

Any electricity required will first be taken from the solar energy system, then the backup battery if there's one installed and finally, from the grid, but only if it absolutely needs it. This is the type of solar energy system that many people in Montross VA have in their homes and businesses because it gives them the chance to be friendlier to the environment and use clean, sustainable energy; but it also gives them backup power when it's needed.

Along with these 2 primary types of solar electricity systems, there's also the back-up system. These systems are designed to be used in locations where the grid is unreliable. These are usually used in locations that experience a lot of power outages and also power failures. For solar system design, installation and integration into existing power systems and on-going system maintenance, call us now on 844-334-8684

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